
Mass Event Regulations

Based on Article 6(3) of the Act of March 20, 2009, on the safety of mass events (ustawa z dnia 20 marca 2009 r. o bezpieczeństwie imprez masowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 616), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, these event mass regulations are introduced:

  1. This regulation applies to mass events (as defined in Article 3 of the Act) organized on the premises of Club Drizzly Grizzly, also referred to as “Drizzly Grizzly”, located at property encompassing plot number 160 in land registry number 68, address: Doki 1, Gdańsk, for which the Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk- Północ w Gdańsku maintains a land registry under number: GD1G/00089887/1.

  2. The organizer of the mass event is Ewa Hronowska, conducting business activities under the name Sopocka Odessa Ewa Hronowska, with its registered office in Sopot (81-759), at ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 54, with Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5851336352, and an email address: info@spatif.sopot.pl.

  3. Access to the mass event is granted to individuals who have reached the age of 13 or more by the day of the event. Individuals who have reached the age of 13 may participate in the mass event by presenting written consent from their legal guardians before entry. The consent template is available on the Drizzly Grizzly club’s website.

  4. Individuals who are under 13 years old on the day of the event may enter the mass event only under the supervision of an adult designated by their legal guardians and with their written consent. The consent template is available on the Drizzly Grizzly club’s website.

  5. The regulation is available on the organizer’s website (https://www.drizzlygrizzly.pl) and in the form of posters at the entrances to the event premises.

  6. The regulation outlines the rights and obligations of the Organizer, as well as the terms of participation and rules of conduct for participants in the mass event.

  7. By “information service”, we understand individuals subject to the head of security, appointed by the Organizer.

  8. By “security service”, we understand individuals subject to the head of security, appointed by the Organizer, and listed as qualified physical protection employees, as referred to in Article 26 of the Act.
  1. The safety of the mass event is the responsibility of the event Organizer.

  2. Entry to the event premises requires a ticket.

  3. The ticket mentioned in point 2 is valid only in conjunction with a document confirming the identity of the ticket holder.

  4. Tickets that grant entry to the mass event are non-transferable and cannot be resold.

  5. The Organizer may record the course of the mass event, particularly the behavior of the participants, using devices that record images and sound, and may provide materials gathered in this way to the relevant law enforcement authorities in cases provided for by the law.
  1. Participants in the event are obliged to:

    1. Not disturb public order.
    2. Adhere to the provisions of this regulation, the facility’s rules, and the Act.
    3. Have on their person and present upon request of the security services or information services, a document entitling them to enter and stay at the event and an identity document.
    4. Not jeopardize the safety of other individuals present at the mass event.
    5. Comply with the instructions of the security services and information services, and in the event of interventions by authorized services and authorities, comply with their instructions.
  1. It is prohibited for the following individuals to enter the mass event:

    1. Those against whom a ban on entry into mass events has been issued or who are obligated to refrain from being present at the locations where mass events are held.
    2. Individuals who obstruct the security and information services in verifying the authorization of persons to participate in the mass event.
    3. Those who fail to identify themselves upon request by the information and security services.
    4. Those who refuse to allow the inspection of the contents of their luggage and clothing in case of suspicion that they may be carrying or possessing items such as weapons or other dangerous objects, explosive materials, pyrotechnic devices, fire hazardous materials, alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, or psychotropic substances.
    5. Those who do not comply with security personnel’s orders or behave contrary to the regulations of the mass event or the facility’s rules.
    6. Individuals visibly under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic substances, or similarly acting substances.
    7. Those displaying aggressive, provocative, or other behaviors that pose a threat to safety or public order.
    8. Unaccompanied minors under the age of 13.

  2. During the mass event, the following activities are explicitly prohibited:

    1. Using clothing items or objects meant to conceal the face to prevent or hinder identification (excluding masks).
    2. Shouting or displaying slogans of obscene, offensive, vulgar, racist content.
    3. Throwing objects.
    4. Bringing, possessing, or consuming alcohol outside areas designated by the Organizer.
    5. Using narcotics or psychotropic substances.
    6. Employing physical violence or making threats against other participants in the mass event.
    7. Recording, utilizing, or transmitting audio or visual content from the event for purposes other than private use.

  3. It is prohibited to bring and possess at the mass event:

    1. Weapons, ammunition, and other dangerous objects that could be used as weapons.
    2. Explosive materials, pyrotechnic devices, and similar substances, as well as all kinds of fire hazardous materials.
    3. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, or other similarly acting substances.
    4. Materials containing racist, offensive, political, xenophobic, or vulgar content.
    5. Containers for spraying gas, corrosive or coloring substances.
    6. Promotional materials, except those permitted with written consent from the Organizer.

  4. The above list of prohibited items for entry into the mass event is not exhaustive. In case of doubt about an item being brought into the mass event, the information or security service has the right to identify other items as prohibited and deny their entry to the event.

  5. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse consent for bringing cameras, photographic equipment, and other similar devices for recording audio or visual content and devices used for commercial transmission of images, sound, event descriptions through the Internet.

  6. Unauthorized recording of the course of the event or its segments using devices that record audio or visual content is prohibited without the Organizer’s consent. The possession of such devices during the event is also prohibited.

  7. Participants in the mass event may be exposed to strong light or sound stimuli at intensities allowed by the law but significantly higher than those encountered in daily life. Individuals suffering from migraines and other conditions that may worsen due to these stimuli make an independent decision regarding participation in the event and may not make any claims against the Organizer as a result.
  8. Unauthorized access to areas not intended for the public is prohibited.
  1. Participants in the mass event have the right:

    1. To information about the location of medical, information, catering, and sanitary points, as well as the safety requirements specified by the Organizer or rescue services.
    2. To use facilities, including hygienic-sanitary facilities, available for general use, in a manner consistent with their purpose.
    3. To receive medical assistance at the mass event if necessary.
    4. To promptly report information and potential claims to the Organizer regarding any damages they have incurred during the mass event.
  1. The Organizer informs that the course of the event may be recorded using devices that capture audio and visual content, which may involve the recording and dissemination of a participant’s image (including live broadcasting and playback using various methods of data transmission and recording), as referred to in Article 81(2), point 2 of the Act of February 4, 1994, on copyright and related rights (ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, t.j. Dz. U. z 2022 r. poz. 2509).

  2. Individuals disrupting public order or not adhering to the regulations of the mass event may be removed from the event premises.

  3. In cases defined by the Act on the Safety of Mass Events, the Organizer’s services are authorized to apprehend individuals who pose an immediate threat to the protection of property and individuals or engage in prohibited activities, and hand them over to the Police.

  4. In the event of a participant in the mass event being detained by the information or security services due to a breach of this regulation, the Organizer reserves the right to temporarily detain and/or block the document entitling entry to the mass event.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to:

    1. Pursue claims for damages caused by a participant in the mass event.
    2. Amend the Regulation, which enters into force on the date of the amendment’s publication as indicated in §1, point 5 of the Regulation.

This Regulation shall be effective from: March 26, 2024